specialists, to everyone on our corporate team, we are dedicated to
bringing the best quality service to every customer.

Solar Energy Central Saves Your Money

Best Renewable Energy Solutions

Saving on Energy from Day One

Renewable Energy Only Offer Benefits

Frequently Asked Questions
One of the main benefits of installing a solar panel system is that you will lock the cost of electricity forever, which over the years will be NULL or ZERO cost.
To give you a quick example, as of today the Kilowatt of electricity, FPL will is charging 14 cents, and generate that same amount of watts, 1000w, with your panel system has a cost of 2 cents, as you can see, it is a difference huge, and that money you were giving away EVERY month of your life to FPL.
automatically by the state, this will make your house go up in value on the market
sell your home, the buyer will pay for the rest of the system that you have not paid still.
A very clear example, you requested a loan from the bank for 15 years to install a pool in your backyard, which cost you $35,000 and you decide to sell your property the following year, which which you still have a debt with the bank right? The value of your property before having a pool was $600,000 and after installing it value rose to $635,000 automatically, when you sell it, the bank that grants you the credit to the new owner will first liquidate or settle any outstanding debt, to then send you the equity or profit from your house, with solar systems it happens EXACTLY the same, the new owner will pay the total cost, and you will receive the profit on sale.
Another important benefit is that today and thanks to the support of the Federal Government, the Installation is completely FREE. Yeah! You are not going to pay a penny either for it system or installation until November of next year.
And from here an important piece of information emerges: suppose you install your system in October of this year, and you must make the first payment of the system in November of the year
next, during those 12 or 13 months of which you would not be paying a single penny to the been and paying practically nothing to FPL, let’s say your electric bill monthly is about $200, in your bank account you will have that saved money available.
to adopt this UNLIMITED resource, do it as soon as possible, it is TOTALLY FREE to install a system.
carry out the installation and you will be able to notice the savings in the invoice or receipt of that month.
and all the surplus electricity that your home does not use, send it to the FPL network to be “Marketed” to other users, and thanks to an initiative of the state government that was approved by the Florida Senate, starting in 2023 FPL must send you a annual check for the total energy received from your system.
electricity produced by the panels, that way you will have absolute control of
Production/Consumption. Just look at the meter display on a sunny day, and see
How your system is sending Kilowatts to the FPL network instead of receiving them.
In addition, you can add to the solar panels with a storage system of electricity (solar batteries) so that you have light at all times, including the nights, also known as Emergency Room.
you need.
require. Despite this, there are certain precautions that must be taken with respect to its cleanliness, inclination and state of the photocells.
Depending on the location of the panels, a maintenance scheme is planned,
cleaning and review. This preventive maintenance extends the useful life of the panels and maximize investment.
It is not mandatory, but it is advisable that you hire a maintenance service
scheduled, consult one of our Technical Support specialists.
On those days the solar panels also produce electricity. The panels can collect the
diffused light from the environment and transform it into electricity. Of course, the production will not be the same as a completely clear day, but you can still generate electricity with your solar panels to be used in your home.
If you want to continue using electricity during a blackout, we have several
solutions available.
The most widely used is the installation of the system called Emergency Room (ER), with this Additional improvement must be selected which area will be used for that purpose.
Most of the time and the most optimal option, is that it be the Kitchen, since in the It is located the fridge, the microwave and it is easily accessible for all members from the house Using the installation of a solar system in parallel, with its own 3000w inverter and a lithium battery, electricity can be supplied to the necessary devices for daily use, and also to critics such as:
Communication Equipment (MoDem) Lighting of Bathrooms and Rooms Ceiling Fans in Rooms Security System and everything necessary or required for its use, and that can be electrically powered without compromising the stability of the system.
Another option is the Battery Backup, which is a bit more expensive than the ER, and works differently, since batteries must be installed that can supply the
devices that are connected to the main panel and also adapt a sub-panel of
Usually this system has a cost about twice that of ER, and can be installed without problem.
and we also have the option of a Direct System that allows the use of 2kw (2,000w) without batteries, this will only allow use during the day and only needs the presence of the sun with the power necessary to supply that amount of electricity, this system is the most economy, and efficient that will solve in extreme cases the use of electrical energy in low performance.
widespread in homes in our country, it can be amortized in a period between 7 and 10 years. As we said before, the useful life at maximum production of the panels is about 25 years, so an installation that is amortized in 10 years will generate benefits for 15 remaining years at 100% and after a period there will be an insignificant decrease in the power output, but they will continue to function smoothly in a range between 95%/96% which will give you energy for several more years.
electrical do not represent any risk.
dangers that your home may have. That is, your system will be covered if it is damaged in the
following situations:
Good heavens
domestic explosions
civil commotion
Air accidents
Volcanic eruption
This means that if any of these events occur, you can replace your panels
solar with a minimal additional cost.
show the opposite. The principle of everything is based on the fact that the assembly system of solar panels must be attached directly to the main beams of each roof, following all the procedures regulated by the State, which is very strict in that period, and before a single solar panel can be installed on the rack, the city send an inspector to verify that the current security code has been respected, It is also worth adding that strong winds or hurricane winds cannot
detach or tear off a single panel that is correctly installed, the state of the Florida mandates that the panels must withstand winds of up to 195mph, which makes the installation is super strict and secure.
We have photographs that show areas that were hit by a hurricane, and the roofs of homes that had solar panels installed remained in place after the
sinister, and the roofs that did not have solar panels, suffered considerable damage and very severe.
With all this information and evidence, we can assure you that this myth is just that, a myth, a comment from people without knowledge of what they are talking about, but what they pass on among their acquaintances.
all the areas where the work will be carried out, in this way we will have a
opinion of an expert indicating the condition it was in before performing the
Whether or not the roof had a leak prior to installation, whether the electrical panel is correctly installed, if the water pipe has previously suffered any damage, and so with all other areas, if any damage is found, we will request the
owner of the house that, prior to carrying out any work, repairs the
damage found, and if you are unable or unwilling to do so, we will request that you sign a disclaimer, releasing our company from any responsibility for damages to the indicated areas or sectors, after the installation of any system or device
of condominium “Prohibit” that the owners of homes install any system of Energy Renewable. In the event that they deny permission, they should file a complaint against the Florida State Attorney, which would be very difficult to happen, in most cases, after the link to the Florida State Senate website is sent to them, the Boards or Associations give up their idea, allowing installation without problem.
In the hypothetical case that the HOA insists on the refusal, we send the report to the State Attorney, to communicate with the person in charge of the HOA Board letting you know that they are violating a State law.
Here is the link to the Florida State Senate website
like a giant battery during the day while the system is generating power,
then at night when the panels are not generating, you will use that “credit” of
power from the electric company.
You should only have storage batteries to use the system in cases of emergency, when the electrical network is not present, because it is the only way to do it.
account in the form of a credit, which will be used during the night, which is when the panels do not produce electricity. All the surplus of that credit, at the beginning of the year following FPL will send you a check for the value of the unused KW, paying the 100% of the value that they are selling the KW to the market.
You can save AT LEAST 50% of your electricity bill during the period of
amortization of the system, we guarantee you IN WRITING that result. After
that period, you will save 100% and even more, depending on consumption improvements made in your house and your habit. When we start the project of each installation we carry out a sizing and efficiency process for each home, that is, We carry out a study on the electricity consumption in your house for a whole year to to be able to offer you an installation that is efficient and sustainable.
Even so, once this time has elapsed, the solar panels will continue to work approximately 90% for many more years, therefore it is not necessary
change them.
It is only necessary to make sure that the installed solar panels do not have
shadows, or trees that throw leaves on them, or animal feces that can block
the cells of the modules and thus hinder their operation.
Keep in mind that the facility will be cleaned every time it rains, although we recommend that clean once or twice a year.
If your roof is inclined, do not risk it and hire a professional service maintenance and cleaning. Think that they are specialized in these tasks and have all the utensils and mechanisms necessary to carry out the cleaning in a
effective and safe.
An example with numbers would be the following:
You must pay $3000 in taxes, and the state has sent you a credit certificate
(TAX Saving) of $600, then you can apply that credit to the amount you must pay and the
It will be reduced to $2400, it is very simple and the person who handles your taxes will do it without
With plans that go from 0.99% interest onwards, without initial payment, without payments for up to 18 months, and without credit review using the PACE program, for a period of up to 30 years.
We take care of the entire process, from start to finish and without charging you a fee.
cent for management.
Imagine being able to turn on your air conditioner without having to worry about the cost of your electric receipt.
You will get clean energy. Helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and
Reduces dependence on fossil fuels, such as oil and coal.
Renewable energy systems are silent. They do not produce noise when generating energy.
Solar panels require little maintenance. You just need to clean them
regularly, having an average life at 100% production of up to 25 years
Some municipalities are more stringent than others and may require components that are not present, in which case our team of professionals will do the work to be always to the code of each municipality and pass the safety inspection without problems.
of our clients.
We can install a pergola or also a carpot, in which the panels will be installed
solar that you need.
1.- The Property must be located in the area assigned to the PACE program, with only provide the address to the Agent, in seconds you can check it and rate it.
2.- The property must have at least 10% equity between the purchase value and the value on the date of applying for the PACE program. If at the time of purchase the property
had a value of $300,000, so at the time of applying for the program, its value
it should be at least $330,000 or higher.
3.- None of the people listed in the Deed can have active bankruptcy.
4.- Property Taxes cannot have a late payment in the last 3 years.
any financial institution or the Credit Bureau. So if the owner(s) of the home want to obtain a personal loan, the transaction using the PACE program will not be It will not be reflected nor will it affect the obtaining of another personal credit to the owners.
PACE Breakdown document given to each client.
Taking as an example that the monthly payment in the PACE Breakdown document shows a value of $100.00, then a value of $1,200 will be assigned to property taxes, therefore, that value must be added to the taxes, assuming that the property had an amount of $2,000 in taxes, then starting NEXT year, property taxes will be $3,200 of which $2,000 belongs to the property and $1,200 to the program fee PACE.
you will have to worry about another monthly payment. Taking as an example that the monthly payment of the mortgage is worth $2,000, as of November of NEXT year or maybe a few more months, the mortgage payment will be $2,100 and of that value $2,000 correspond to the monthly payment of the mortgage and $100 to the payment of the PACE program.
Fortunately, those payments are the only ones that must be made, we know that there are many myths going around and we hope this information helps customers.
Both amounts obtain significant refunds that we will detail:
Payment to the PACE program offers a little-known incentive (INCLUDING FOR MOST COMPANIES THAT SELL SOLAR SYSTEMS) that will
called Tax Savings (Amount included in the PACE Breakdown document), whose amount can be deducted from personal taxes during the selected period of payment to the PACE program, this incentive comes in the form of a Tax Credit and the owner must give it to your tax specialist to be used.
The other incentive is a CASH BACK CHECK that is provided by the insurance company.
electricity as part of payment for the sale of surplus electricity generated
by the System installed on the property, this incentive being part of a STATE LAW
correspond to the payment of the monthly fee, they are delivered in a document
signed by a person in charge of the company, which guarantees that the amount that must be subscriber, in the event of a difference greater than the values expressed in that document, the company will be responsible for resolving it without causing extra expenses or payments To the owner. REVIEW POINT 51 WITH INFORMATION ABOUT IT.
credit of the PACE program is a very simple process to carry out, our department of Sales will be in charge of facilitating the process and updating the System as required.
same as before the installation, this can be due to two factors:
55.1 The electric company has not yet changed your meter and you cannot
sell you the excess electricity generated so that it is credited to your account.
55.2 If the meter change has already been made, and you are still paying the same in your monthly receipt, this may be because you are participating in a payment program balanced from your electric company, where they offer that you always pay the same value regardless of consumption, you must contact the company and cancel that plan or that promotion in your account, because in this case, you will be losing all the surplus of electricity that you are selling
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